Here you will find some frequently asked questions – and responses thereto.
The Mary Foundation is a different kind of foundation – one that does not provide funding. It is therefore not possible to apply for funds from the foundation, whether from private sources or associations.
On the other hand, The Mary Foundation runs its own social projects aimed at combating social isolation.
We welcome suggestions for potential focus areas or projects geared toward our goal of combating social isolation, promoting tolerance and understanding of diversity, and fostering hope.
Suggestions can be sent to info@maryfonden.dk – and we aim to respond to all recommendations within 14 days.
The Mary Foundation does not get involved in commercial endeavours and can therefore also not endorse any fundraising campaigns or the like.
We welcome donations. Donations are dedicated directly and in full to The Mary Foundation’s long-term efforts to combat social isolation. However,
The Mary Foundation does not want donations to be mentioned in connection with commercial endeavours, in external marketing materials, on websites, in social media or in conventional media.
The Mary Foundation’s name and logo may not be used in connection with a donation, but only by prior agreement in connection with close partnerships involving specific work carried out by The Mary Foundation.
The Mary Foundation regularly receives a considerable number of enquiries from students, but unfortunately, we do not have the resources to conduct interviews.
However, we are happy to respond to specific questions that relate to our work and current projects. You can send your questions to info@maryfonden.dk.